Friday, February 7, 2020


We constructed our BBFC using photoshop. Due to our film opening containing mild threat and infequent, mildvoilence we have classified it as a 15. The next age classification up is an 18 which deems it to be 'stadistic threat'. We feel this does not reflect our film. Our category allows violence to be strong but should does not dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. The strongest gory images are unlightly to be acceptable.

We constructed our BBFC using photoshop. Due to our film opening containing mild threat and alcohol use. Many scenes convey a distort lady struggling to cope with the scandal she has been involved in. Younger viewers may be distraught by this, hence why it is a 15 rather than a 12.

When creating the certificate we used a 15 rating template that we found online. Using photoshop we copied a black box and pasted it onto the original name for the certificate. Then, we changed the font and size to make INFAMOUS bigger and bolder so it stood out and was similar to other certificates we had seen.

1 comment:

  1. Thorough research into appropriate professional products and application to own production.
