Thursday, November 21, 2019


By using Google Forms, it enabled me to collect data that I can present in both graphical forms and in words. I asked questions that supplied both quantitative and qualitative data to make my research as detailed as possible.

Using Google Forms is an extremely useful medium to find out what people are interested in watching. The aim of my questionnaire is to find out what people would like to watch including the genre and finding out who my particular target age group is. It helps me find out who wants to watch movies, where they watch them and how they found out about particular films, this will give me a good indication on how to promote my movie and on what kind of platforms.

The questions I intend to ask:

(opening) I would be grateful if you complete this short survey on your particular film preferences

What gender are you?
- Female
- Male
- Prefer not to say

What age are you?
- Under 35
- Over 35
- Prefer not to say

Where to you watch films?
- Cinema
- Amazon/ netlfix
- Other streaming platforms

What genre of film is your favourite? (pick as many as you want)
- Comedy
- Romance
- Thriller
- Horror
- Mystery
- Action
- Science fiction
- Drama
- Chick flick
- Other

Identify 3 recent films you have enjoyed watching:

Would you watch a trailer before watching the film?
- Yes
- No

Have you seen any of the following trailers or films?

1. A Simple Favour
2. Get out
3. Joker

What is the most likely reason you would go to see a film?
- Director
- Actor
- Sequel

What platforms do you use to find out about films?
- Cinema
- Social media
- Website
- Television

Are you influenced by the following (pick as many as you want):
- Reviews
- Recommendations
- Social media
- Talk shows

(end) Thank you for completing the survey!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent research into your target audience, showing good use of technology.
    You refined your questionnaire after careful testing.
    I enjoyed responding to your questionnaire myself.
